I can’t believe it is September! My how time flies. This weekend I went to Memphis to celebrate a church sister and brother second year pastor’s anniversary. They have served endlessly and deserve such a celebration. Speaking of celebration, I also had the privilege of visiting the historic Lorraine Motel. For most of you that are unfamiliar with this motel, it is the place where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. It was an unbelievable experience to be there and to see what we only heard or read about. It was amazing but sad to see the vehicles they were in, the wreath hanging on the balcony and to be across the street from the boarding home where witnesses heard the shots fired from. Hearing and reading about the many, many, many accomplishments he made and fought for on behalf of African Americans, doesn’t compare to being there on the property. I can’t imagine how it was for African Americans during that time, especially those individuals who were there that day. The one disappointment I had was not being able to tour the two buildings. Not because I didn’t want to but because the tour is about three hours and it was thirty minutes to closing time. No doubt I will return with my daughter’s. So, I encourage you to visit if you haven’t because it will bless your heart and give you an appreciation for everything and everyone who fought blood sweat and tears for us to have the rights we have today. I know and understand that we still have a long way to go but we still have a lot to celebrate and be proud of. Happy Labor Day! Thanks for following my blog. Please visit my site at www.distinctivelymod.com for our Labor Day Deals.
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